Remaining Persistent

Persistence means the act or fact of stubbornly continuing to do something.

Have you ever felt you tried and tried to complete something but it just wasn’t getting done?  

I want to encourage you to remain persistent, today. 

My son got a Lego set for his birthday. He loves Lego and is pretty good at it. But this one wasn’t like the rest.  

“It’s hard!” My son would say. Sometimes with tears running down his face.  

We all feel that way at some point in our life. Feel like we want to just give up.

Sometimes we feel this way in prayer. We ask God to do something, heal something, move something and we don’t get an answer.  


I want to remind you of a woman in the bible that didn’t give up.  

Luke 18:1-5

One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up. “There was a judge in a certain city,” he said, “who neither feared God nor cared about people. A widow of that city came to him repeatedly, saying, ‘Give me justice in this dispute with my enemy.’ The judge ignored her for a while, but finally he said to himself, ‘I don’t fear God or care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’”

Jesus was talking about getting justice in this parable, but we can also apply this to any aspect of our life.  

It’s funny because the Cambridge dictionary says 

Someone who is persistent continues doing something or tries to do something in a determined but often unreasonable way

Prayer may be considered unreasonable to some, but we know it is very reasonable.  

Women were considered less than in those times, but she knew she what she wanted and was going to persist until she got it.  

Her persistence paid off.  

Whatever you are asking God for today, continue to be persistent. Keep knocking until the door answers.  

I also want to remind you the answer might not come packaged the way you expect it, but have faith God is working everything out for you.  

Related Blog Understanding God’s Timing


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11 thoughts on “Remaining Persistent”

  1. Yes persistence is key. Distractions will come and some times our minds or the enemy will try to convince us that pressing forward is not worth it, but it is not true and we must press forward and press in to God that is the only way! Great post

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  2. Hey, I found your blog via my Insta friend, Arrica (A Child Shall Lead Them), where I saw your comment. I have seen the Lord answer prayers I have prayed for many years but admittedly, I have found myself impatient when He doesn’t answer them in {my} time. I know better though; He has always been faithful. I have to remind myself that He knows best and He sees the big picture. Thank you for your words that encouraged and challenged my heart! 💕

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